Nov 17, 2010

What do I look like? (The Big Public Outing!)

I have been asked what I look like normally, not from the arse end up, by quite a number of people. Despite having normal photos on my facebook and twitter accounts, it would seem that not everyone is willing to use these portals to see the photos. Thus, I've decided to post a couple non-pornographic, normal photographs here for you all to see.

This is a huge step, as it means I am fully identifiable... something that I never expected to do given the nature of the blog. And I suspect that I am only one of perhaps a couple of authors of amature gay blogs, especially bareback ones, who is outing himself publicly in this way... the majority of the mob like to hide behind anonymity.

Why am I doing this? Well, it's because i've been recognisable in my videos and some of my photos for quite some time. Most people who know me on the scene where I live, know I do bareback, and don't judge me for it. Granted there's my parents and work colleagues, but hopefully they'll never be made aware of this blog, as I don't divludge that sort of information. Secondly, I always strive to keep my blog ahead of the field. I was one of the first amature bareback bloggers on the scene; my first posting was way back in 2006. I've witnessed the boom in gay bareback bloggers over the last few years, and gone from one of a handful, to one of thousands. I like to think that my blog is well enough established that I can do something like this, and reveal my identity to the world. It keeps my blog different from the crowd.

Finally, it's also because I am desperate to do porn with Treasure Island Media/Liam Cole. I want nothing more in my life right now, than for these guys to film me getting gang fucked by a group of horny dirty tops, and my arse being pumped full of spunk until i'm drowning in the stuff. If they see that I'm not afraid of being recognised, that i'm happy in myself doing bareback publically, then maybe, just maybe, it will take me one step closer to recognising that goal.

Above: Me, what a poser, May 2010

Above: Very, very drunk, gay pride August 2009

Above: Very, very drunk again, gay pride 2009 with a friend.

Above: Drinking problem; two drinks, only one mouth! Partying with friends in local gay bar.

So there you have it... publically outed. Me, the blog author, dirty barebacking cum slut, and regular gay guy...

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Hey, please leave a comment to tell me what you think. It is the feedback from you guys, the readers, which determins the direction the blog goes in. If you like what I write/produce, tell me... i'll do more of the same. If you don't - tell me too, and I can stop doing it. I do this all for you, so tell me what you think...
